Copyrights Registration for Computer Software – What you should know and how is it done?  

In today’s digital era, computer software has become essential to almost every business. As software development is a time-consuming and expensive process, protecting the creators’ rights is essential. This is where copyrights come into play. Copyrights registration for computer software safeguards the developer’s intellectual property rights. Let’s discuss about the procedures of copyright registration for computer software in India.  

The process of software development involves a significant amount of time, effort, and money. It protects creators and developers’ right to prevent unauthorised misuse of their work. Copyright registration is one of the most effective ways to protect the intellectual property rights of software developers.  

Here are some of the reasons why copyright registration is necessary for computer software:  

Protection against infringement: Copyright registration protects against unauthorized software use, copying, and distribution. It enables the software developer to take legal action against infringers who use their software without permission or authorization.  

Exclusive rights: Copyright registration gives the software owner the right to use, sell, distribute, and reproduce the software. No one else can use the software without the owner’s permission.  

Increased value: Copyright registration can increase the value of the software, making it more appealing to investors and potential buyers. The copyright owner holds a legal monopoly on the software, making it a valuable asset that they can license, sell, or use as collateral for loans.

Evidence of ownership: Copyright registration serves as evidence of ownership, which can be crucial in legal disputes. In case of any dispute over software ownership, the copyright certificate acts as proof.  

International protection:

Copyright registration also gives international protection to the software. Since India is a member of the Berne Convention and the TRIPS Agreement, copyright registration in India is recognized in other member countries. As a result, the software owner can take legal action against infringers in those countries as well.

How to Register Copyrights for Computer Software in India?   

Copyright registration for computer software in India is a fairly simple and straightforward process that can be done online and offline. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to register copyrights for computer software in India:  

Step 1: Application for Registration

The first step in registering copyrights for computer software in India is to file an application for software registration with the Copyright Office. This application can be filed online or offline.  

To file the application online, visit the Copyright Office website and create an account. Fill in the details required in the online application form, such as the name and address of the applicant, details of the software, and a statement of particulars of the work.  

To file the application offline, you can obtain the necessary forms from the Copyright Office or download them from their website. Fill in the required details, attach the necessary documents, and submit the application to the Copyright Office.  

Step 2: Submission of Documents:

Along with the application, certain documents need to be submitted, such as:  

a) The source code and object code of the software.

b) NOC from the author if the author differs from the applicant.

c) NOC from the publisher if the software is published.

d) Statement of particulars of the work.  

You must submit the source code and object code of the software, as they are crucial for establishing the originality of the work. If the author is different from the applicant or the software is published, you must submit NOCs from the author and publisher. The statement of particulars of the work includes details such as the software’s title, language, and the date and place of its first publication.

Step 3: Examination of the Application:

After submitting the application and the required documents, the Copyright Office will examine the application. The examination process involves checking whether the software meets the requirements of originality, creativity, and fixation.  

If the Copyright Office finds any deficiencies in the application or the documents submitted, they may ask for clarifications or additional documents. Responding to these requests promptly is important to avoid delays in the registration process.  

Step 4: Receive Copyright Certificate:

Once the application is approved, the Copyright Office issues a copyright certificate for the software.The certificate includes details such as the software’s title, the owner’s name, and the copyright’s duration.  

The certificate is legal proof of ownership and can be used in case of any legal disputes. The copyright protection lasts for the author’s lifetime plus 60 years from the date of the author’s death.  


Copyrights registration is crucial for computer software developers to protect their intellectual property rights. It is necessary to safeguard their investment, increase the value of the software, and ensure that no one else can use or distribute their software without their permission. By registering the copyright for the software, the owner can get legal protection and exclusive rights to use, sell, distribute, and reproduce the software.  

Unimarks is a leading intellectual property law firm in India that can assist you with the copyright registration process. Their team of expert copyright lawyers can guide you through the process, prepare the necessary documents, file the application, and follow up with the Copyright Office to ensure your application’s smooth examination and approval. 


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