Tips For Brewery Startups Into Trademark Registration

When it comes to the cafe’s and beverage shops, Brand Recognition is the most pivotal in its successful running. It is considered an asset as it takes much time, effort, and intellectual to start a café, run it and obtain profit out of it.

Here are a few tips every brewery owner should keep in mind:

1.Understand the importance of brand protection

A strong trademark or portfolio of brands is very precious to your business. Most start-ups start by registering their domain name without thorough search and paying high amounts for nothing. The vital step is to apply for trademark registration, and then other processes can be dealt. A Registered Trademark acts as a shield for your brand from infringers. Failure to obtain a valid trademark registration may lower your brand’s value and even harm your overall business.

2. Brief out before registration

It’s essential to understand the brand’s needs and wants and accordingly decide the structure of your trademark so that you don’t waste time and effort in introducing the brand in the market, promoting it, only to find out that it has been used by someone else. So, before applying for registration, ensure to conduct a trademark clearance check.

It can be a little cumbersome and tricky to analyse if a particular trademark is available or not considering many breweries, wineries, and distilleries operating with unregistered trademarks across.

Therefore, it’s advisable to seek an experienced trademark attorney’s counsel to spearhead this process and assist with evaluating risk in using a particular trademark.

3. First to file- First to rule the market

Most start up beer entities have a very considerable amount of funds to invest in their business. Also, taking into account the setup expense and daily running expenses, it is impossible to get involved in legal disputes over a brand name, which could have easily been solved. Registration of brand name is also an added expense to the business, and it is practically impossible to keep entertaining litigations over a name.

It is always advisable to register the brand name at the earliest possible to mark your place in the registry. Failure to secure a trademark registration proactively can lead to costly and protracted conflicts leading to loss of public confidence in your brand. Trademark disputes can be solved by adopting an approach of first come- first register business culture.

One of the drawbacks of this industry sector is that all business dealings are informal, and many deals are done via “handshake” or oral agreements, but in trademarks, this is next to impossible. All we can do is to educate people about the importance of the trademark and its registration.

4. Intent to Use is all that makes your application more considerable

It is recommended and advisable always to file intent to use a product before starting the business. This will ensure that your application is structured, safe, and free from poaching. It is a token for your application, which will secure your place.

Also, filing early allows you to learn much sooner whether the registrar of trademarks has any discrepancies with your application, such as the existence of conflicts with other trademarks. This is incredibly helpful for start-ups in the initial development stages because it gives them considerable time and flexibility to adopt a different branding strategy before establishing the business.

5. Pour out your creativity in designing the mark

As much as you can, try coining your mark- anything and everything which is out of the box will be a good option. When you use a coined work, it will have no resemblance to anything already in the market. This makes your mark unique and easy to be registered. Try keeping your mark unique, distinct, creative, and, most importantly, different from the existing mark.

6. Brand protection is a continuous duty

Trademark owners must enforce and defend their trademarks. Failure to curb the unauthorized use of a trademark can later be used against a trademark owner to indicate acceptance of that use, ultimately weakening the overall trademark and brand. So now that you’ve engaged in the mental gymnastics necessary to come up with a firm and protectable brand name, be sure you protect your turf!

On a side note, ensure that your trademarks are on the same lines as your business’s growth.


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