How To Copyright A Book – Copyright Registration

The Indian Copyright Act allows the author of an original work, such as a scholars and writers, the exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, adapt, publicly perform, and publicly display their original work.

The protection under Copyright Act automatic. The author obtains these exclusive rights at the moment the copyrighted work has been fixed in a tangible medium, such as when a written work has been saved on a computer hard drive or printed.

The author of such work retains their exclusive rights until the moment they enter into a written agreement to assign some or all of these exclusive rights.

The author renounces his exclusive rights once the same is transferred to the third party. The author of such work left with no rights and they may no longer could exercise that right. In case if the author intends to retains the right to make any further uses of the copyright work, or intends to grant others permission to make any use of the copyright work the author must make this clear in a written transfer agreement.

As a writer or a scholar when you publish your book, thesis, research or article you will be asked by the publisher to sign an agreement, or contract which transfer various rights to the publisher in the work you have created. Consequently, you end up giving up certain rights such as your right to post your article on the public Internet or to make copies for classroom use.

To take advantage of the greater opportunity now available to communicate your research results, you need these rights to the articles you produce.

Unimarks Legal Solutions assists writers to obtain Copyright Registration Certificate for their books and also advise them enter into a suitable license or assignment agreement considering the requirements of our client and draft the fool-proof agreement between them and the publishers.


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